Το στόλισμα του
χριστουγεννιάτικου καραβιού είναι ελληνική συνήθεια, κυρίως στα νησιά που έχει
σχέση με την ενασχόληση των Ελλήνων με τη θάλασσα, αλλά και την εκκλησιαστική
αναφορά όπου η Εκκλησία συμβολίζεται ως καράβι.
The Christmas Ship is a Greek habit that is related to the occupation of the Greek with the sea, and has religious references as the Church is often denoted as a boat.
The Christmas Ship is a Greek habit that is related to the occupation of the Greek with the sea, and has religious references as the Church is often denoted as a boat.
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